2022.03.02_水曜チャペル_Thomas W Selover総長_オンライン
天一国10年天暦1月30日(陽2022.03.02.) 本校で2022年1学期最初の水曜礼拝を行いました。コロナウイルス、オミクロン株の状況が思わしくないため、オンラインによって行われました。司会、代表祈祷をキム・ボンジュン士官生徒が、賛美を오하나(オハナ)が、そしてみ言をThomas W Selover総長が担当しました。
Thomas W Selover総長は“The Tiger and the Daffodil”という題目で尊いみ言を下さいました。
「So, brothers and sisters, youngers and elders, we are all called by Heavenly Parent to become peace-builders. As peace-builders, we must nurture both the spirit of the black tiger and the spirit of the daffodil, in our daily lives.
There is much to pray for, including the upcoming election and the providence of Heavenly Unified Korea on the peninsula, as well as peace-building in Eastern Europe, and many more. So in our life of prayer also, we must be fierce as tigers, and gentle and persevering as daffodils.
Here in our school, and when you are out in the mission field, keep in mind these two great representatives of Heavenly Parent, the black tiger and the daffodil. Then you will find your courage, and compassion.
May the grace and example of True Parents be with you, each and all! Aju!」